Ayurvedic Treamtment for Tonsilitis

The tonsils are a pair of small almond-shaped structures on either side of the throat, just behind and above the tongue. The structures act as a defence against infections that invade the body through the nose and mouth. Tonsils are a part of the body’s protective lymphatic system, which dispatches cells that literally gulp down bacteria. Adenoids are structures located at the back of the nose, above the tonsils. They too help keep away respiratory tract infections. Occasionally, bacterial infections overwhelm the tonsils. This infection, known as tonsillitis, is often one that children c

Ayurvedic Management of Arthritis

Arthritis ( arthro- joint + -itis, inflammation) is a form of joint disorder that involves inflammation in one or more joints. Arthritis might seem simple, but it’s really not. . Arthritis can be difficult to recognize because it can start in different ways. It can start slowly and be mild, or it can start suddenly and cause intense pain. It might cause the classic issues of joint pain, swelling and stiffness, or it may first cause health problems that seem unrelated like fatigue or a rash. Types of Arthritis There are more than 100 different forms of arthritis and related diseases. The