Every time Geetha went to the bathroom; she felt a burning sensation. Though she knows that something was wrong, she was too embarrassed to tell anyone about it. At times, she had an intense urge to go to the bathroom, but when she went, she could only urinate a little. Geetha’s experience is not unusual—in fact, her problem, urinary tract infection (UTI)—is the most common reason for which women visit a doctor.
About one out of five women gets urinary tract infection during her lifetime. That is not to say that men do not have UTI’s. However, they are not prone to infection as often as women do. Symptoms Many a time, the symptoms are not very obvious. But most often, the symptoms are only too obvious to neglect.
The person urinates more frequently than usual. There is a sharp pain or burning sensation in the urethra while passing urine. There could be blood in the urine. The person has a feeling as if his or her bladder is full after passing urine.
The person experiences soreness in the belly, back, or sides, and chills, fever, and nausea.
Guidelines and Ayurvedic Remedies Removing the cause of trouble can treat the problem. However, there are ayurvedic remedies that will reduce the burning sensation:
Wash the genital area and drink a glass of water before intercourse.
Urinate before and after intercourse.
Drink at least eight glasses of water a day, preferably hot to dilutethe urine and flush bacteria out of the bladder.
Barley water and coconut water can be used to dilute the urine.Avoid alcohol, spicy foods, chillies, and coffee.
Restrict intake of beans, pulses, spinach, tomatoes, and lady fingers.
Go to the bathroom as soon as you feel the urge. Empty your bladder completely when you pass urine. Do not give bacteria a chance to grow.
Get plenty of rest. Wipe properly after urinating or having a bowel movement to prevent the bacteria from anus entering the urethra. Wear cotton undergarments. Bacteria thrive in warm and wet conditions. Cotton helps keep you cool and dry because it lets through airflow. Do not wear tight jeans, pants, or undergarments. Avoid bath tubs.
Take a shower instead of a bath. Avoid using strong soaps, feminine hygiene products, and antiseptic creams that may irritate the urethra.
Eat a cup of curd made with active, live cultures daily. Curd contains Loctobacillus acidophilus, which may create an acidic environment and prevent the growth of unwanted bacteria.
Taking Vitamin C in the form of fruit juices regularly may make urine more acidic and less hospitable to bacteria.
Take six grams of equal parts of amla and jaggery everyday. On the other hand, a solution of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)alkalises the urine, which makes it less hospitable to bacteria.
Apply hot compresses over the bladder. Do the same, but this time with a cold pack after half an hour. Powder of Salt petre(Shorakshar), applied over the bladder and covered with a wet clothalso gives better results. Boil 20 grams of corncob hair (hair of maize) in water and drink the infusion.Internally, take half a cup of decoction of equal parts of fruits of Gokshura (gokhru) and coriander (dhania), thrice a day.
Most of the ayurvedic practitioners prescribe shilajit for this condition.
Paashaanabheda (Bergenia ligulata) root powder will alsohelp. Take a teaspoonful of the same.
You can prepare an effective remedy by mixing the powders of cardamom—one part, root of paashaanabheda—half part, purified shilajit—half part, and long pepper—half part. Take this preparationin doses of three to four grams with half a glass of water in which rice has been washed, twice a day.
Elaadi-choorna, taarakeswara ras, Chandraprabhavati, Pravaala- bhasma, Chandanaasava etc., are some of the important ayurvedic medicines which can effectively treat this condition. Consult your ayurvedic physician before using these medicines.
The channel carrying urine, our bodies liquid waste, is called mutra vaha srotas.
Theorigin of the channel begins at the kidneys, the bladder is the container, the ureters are the passage ways, and the end or opening is the urethra. Bladder infections (cystitis), inflammation of the urethra(urethritis), and kidney infections are all more common in women than in men. When men have urinary tract infections, it is usually secondary to a more serious health concern such as an enlarged prostate. Urinary tract infections or UTIs, are infections that occur within the urinary tract, most commonly with the bladder or urethra, causing symptoms of burning upon urination,frequent urination with not much urine, and feeling a frequent urge to pass urine. There can be blood in the urine, or cloudy, strong-smelling urine.
According to Ayurveda, UTIs are due to an imbalance within pitta dosha.
Ayurvedaswisdom offers guidelines to balance pitta dosha and strengthen the urinary tract in orderto avoid recurring infections. First understanding and removing the cause begins the healing process. Main factors that aggravate pitta dosha and contribute to UTIs are:*Eating foods that are too hot, sour, or spicy.*Drinking alcohol.*Suppressing the urge to urinate.*Habitually retaining urine in the bladder for long periods of time.*Exposure to extreme heat, and overexposure to sunlight.*Emotions of anger, impatience, jealousy.*Environmental factors such as working with fire, chemicals, or toxic fumes.*Not drinking enough water Diet Ayurveda recommends choosing a diet that will pacify pitta dosha to help cleanse and eliminate the toxins that are bringing too much heat to the body. Drink plenty of water tohelp flush bacteria out of the urinary tract. Pure cranberry or pomegranate juice are excellent purifying drinks that reduce excess pitta and also reduce proliferation of bacteria.
The following foods have an adverse effect on the bladder and should be limited or avoided: alcohol, caffeine, carbonated beverages, coffee, chocolate, refined and processed foods, refined sugars. Lifestyle Bacteria can flourish when conditions are warm and moist. Here are a few tips to help you stay cool and dry.*Empty bladder after taking a bath and sexual intercourse.*Wear cool, loose fitting cotton underwear and clothing.*Dry thoroughly after shower or bath. Change into dry clothes as soon as possible after swimming.*Women should consider sanitary pads for their menstrual cycle, avoiding tampons.*Cultivate emotions of peace and contentment.
Herbs Kidney supportive Ayurvedic medicines contain Gokshura and Punarnava, two herbs known specifically for their ability to support proper functioning of the urinary tract. The formula works to cool and soothe the entire urinary system, including inflamed membranes caused by urinary tract infections. Shatavari is sweet and cooling herb that helps to relieve pitta inflammation in the genito-urinary system. Many current studies have confirmed Shatavaris antimicrobial activity against bacteria that are frequently present in urinary tract infections.
Coriander,or Cilantro, is a helpful household spice to have on hand for high pitta conditions such as burning urination. A fresh juice can be taken to instantly dispel excess pitta from the body. Coriander seeds can be used in a tea, either by itself or along with cumin and fennel, as a digestive aid and anti-inflammatory for burning upon urination.
According to Ayurveda all living things are characterized by three active doshas Vata,Pitta and Kapha and believes that aggravated Pitta produces heating toxins in the body which accumulate in the mutra vahi strota (urinary channels) causes UTI.
Ayurvedas integrated approach to UTI includes a healthier life style, modified diet, intake of herbal supplements.
Lifestyle :Mental feelings like excessive stress and anger are to be controlled. • Not to sleep excessively in the daytime after eating. • To go to bed early and get enough sleep at night • Not to expose to sun and heat excessively •
Dr Adarsh